The manuscript, a Gregorian sacramentary, was to come to the Patriarchate of Aquileia not much later its manufacturing, for on f. 72r, between the twelfth and thirteenth century, a memoir of the Aquileian saints Euphemia, Dorothea, Thecla and Erasma was there added near the liturgy provided for September 3rd. After coming to Venice, in 1739 it passed to a depot located near the ducal church of St. Mark, near St. Mark Library, where after a few days it got a new binding.
The Sacramentary is likely to be manufactured by one of the great late-Ottonian monastic schools in the second half of the eleventh century. In particular, its script and decoration put the work in connection with the scriptorium of Tegernsee monastery. The Praefatio incipit page on purple background (f. 9v) exhibits three figures of saints within a frame: in the middle, on the top, the Agnus Dei, on the bottom St. Rupert, on the right St. Amand and on the left St. Quirinus, whom the monastery of Tegernsee, where the saint’s relics are kept, is dedicated to. The articulated structure of the framework has illustrious precedents in Bavaria. The simplified manner and the displacement of foliage ornaments within the frame are close, also for their prevailingly graphic and bi-dimensional rendering, to the ornamentation of the two Tegernsee Evangelaries, respectively datable to the end of the eleventh century and the year 1120 circa (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 23343 and Clm 828).